Europe forecast - May 12, 2023
Mixed Mediterranean
Largely fine Scandinavia

Issued: 0530hrs Friday 12th May 2023
Duty forecaster: Alexi Venerus

Showers still across central into southern Europe.

Rather windy with cloudier skies through particulary north and east Spain where there will be outbreaks of rain. Heavy rain at times across the Balearics. Portugal will be windy though should stay dry. Unsettled still across Italy with heavy showers as well as longer spells of rain, though mostly dry across the far south. Showers across northern Greece, otherwise dry. Heavy showers affecting parts of the Turkish resorts at times.
Breezy with outbreaks of rain across France, Switzerland and the Low Countries. Rain easing across the north of Germany through the day. Staying wet further south. Showers affecting Austria and the Balkan States. Largely dry across Poland.
Dry and mostly fine through Denmark with fine weather continuing across the Baltic States. A few scattered showers across south Norway and Sweden otherwise dry. Mostly dry and fine across Finland.

Showers across the far north of Spain as well as a few heavier ones further east which also affect the Balearics, otherwise dry. Portugal also staying dry and fine. Unsettled across Italy with heavy showers as well as longer spells of rain. Settled with plenty of dry and sunny weather across Greece and Turkey.
Rather cloudy across France with showers again through here including the Low Countries where there will be a bit of a breeze. Largely dry across Germany though the far west seeing some showery rain. Unsettled with heavy showers as well as longer spells of rain across Switzerland into west Austria. Drier in the east. Largely dry and fine across eastern Europe.
Dry with sunny spells across Denmark. A line of scattered showers soon develops through southern Norway into central Sweden, otherwise dry and fine here. The odd scattered shower across Finland though mainly dry. A few showers affecting Lithuania otherwise dry.

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Topics  [May 12, 2023]