Europe forecast - March 11, 2023
Cold, snowy, windy Finland
An improving Med

Issued: 0530hrs Saturday 11th March 2023
Duty forecaster: Alexi Venerus

High winds and heavy snow across parts of Scandinavia.

Cloudy and wet along the northern coasts of Spain. Dry with sunshine elsewhere as well as across the Balearics. Windy across Sardinia and Corsica though it should be largely dry. A few scattered showers across Italy though most will be dry with some sunny spells. Scattered showerrs throughout Greece with the heavier rain moving across Turkey.
Rather cloudy with some patchy rain across western areas of France with some heavier rain towards the east and southeast. Dry elsewhere. Largely dry and fine across the Low Countries and much of Germany. Windy towards the northeast of Germany with some rain, sleet and snow showers. Snow across parts of Switzerland with sleet and snow clearing from Austria. Windy across Poland with rain, sleet and snow.
Sleet and snow showers on a blustery wind across Denmark. Snow showers continue on to western Norway. Drier further east. Some sleet and snow showers affecting central and southern Sweden, dry elsewhere. Heavy snow falling across the Baltics will push up to south Finland later.

A largely dry and fine day across Spain and Portugal, the Balearics and much of Italy, though far southern areas of Italy seeing some heavy showers. Showery rain clearing away from Greece though Turkey remains unsettled with wet, windy and cool weather.
Rain clearing eastern areas of France with a dry and sunny period before more cloud and some rain move in to western areas later. An improving day across the Low Countries though breezy. Sunny spells and dry weather also developing across Switzerland and western Austria. Showers in east and north Austria. Showery rain gradually easing and clearing much of Germany though pushing in to southwest Poland.
A dry day across Denmark with temperatures starting to show signs of rising. A windy day across the Baltics with sleet and snow showers gradually easing back. Largely dry though with a bitter wind across Sweden. Some snow showers continue to push on to western Norway, dry elsewhere here. Heavy snow with drifting on the blustery high winds across Finland.

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Topics  [March 11, 2023]