

Lemvig UV index

Local Time Mo May 06 Tu May 07 We May 08 Th May 09
UV index 3 4 4 3

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index.The UV Index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks around the summer solstice). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.

Last updated: Sun, 05 May, 23:25 CEST
Nearby Weather Stations - Lemvig Distance
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Karup 94.5 km
Isenvad 109.4 km
Blavand Cape 110.2 km
Esbjerg 114.0 km
Billund Airport 130.6 km
Aalestrup 136.5 km
Vester Vedsted 142.4 km
Askov 147.7 km
Romo Island 150.7 km
Vamdrup 167.0 km
List/Sylt 168.2 km
Oksøy Lighthouse 171.9 km
Westerland/Sylt 178.5 km
Vojens Airport 179.9 km
Horsens 181.0 km
Aalborg 183.1 km
Kristiansand Airport 185.6 km
Mandal 189.6 km
Tylstrup 197.4 km
Hald 199.6 km
Landvik 200.5 km
Oedum 205.0 km
Leck 205.1 km
Aarhus Syd 210.3 km
Lindesnes Lighthouse 212.1 km
Torungen Fyr 212.9 km
Konsmo 216.9 km
Toroe 226.6 km
Hynnekleiv 228.0 km
Glücksburg/Meierwik 230.7 km
Hattstedt 235.4 km
Nelaug 236.8 km
Sindal Airport 238.3 km
Sønderborg Airport 238.6 km
Byglandsfjord/Solbakk 241.6 km
Stenhoj 245.0 km
Sankt Peter-Ording 245.2 km
Lyngor Fyr 249.7 km
Sletterhage 251.1 km
Odense 254.0 km
Lista Lighthouse 260.3 km
Schleswig 260.7 km
Aarhus/Tirstrup 260.8 km
Kegnæs 263.5 km
Helgoland/Düne 263.9 km
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Gjerstad 269.6 km
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Hohn 280.5 km
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Jomfruland Lh 292.4 km
Alte Weser Lighthouse Lighthouse 295.0 km
Eik Hove 295.5 km
Ostenfeld 295.8 km
Cuxhaven 296.6 km
Rosnaes Cape 298.9 km
Svendborg Airport 302.7 km
Sirdal / Sinnes 305.7 km
Valle 306.4 km
Nordholz 307.5 km
Kiel Lighthouse 313.4 km
Itzehoe 313.4 km
Kiel/Holtenau 313.5 km
Steinau 318.2 km
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Hoydalsmo Ii 326.7 km
Padenstedt (Pony-Park) 330.5 km
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Wittmund Airport 336.3 km
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Gniben Point 336.5 km
Langoytangen 337.5 km
Eigerøya 342.4 km
Dörnick 346.1 km
Blasjo 348.3 km
Notodden 349.0 km
Omø 349.7 km
Hovden-lundane 350.9 km
Bremervörde 352.4 km
Langoe 353.9 km
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Wittenborn 358.6 km
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Mosstrand Ii 363.8 km
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