
South America

Água Clara UV index

Local Time Fr May 03 Sa May 04 Su May 05 Mo May 06
UV index 8 8 8 8

The strength of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation is expressed as a Solar UV Index or Sun Index.The UV Index does not exceed 8 in the UK (8 is rare; 7 may occur on exceptional days, mostly in the two weeks around the summer solstice). Indices of 9 and 10 are common in the Mediterranean area. The Sun Index forecast refers to the daily maximum.

Last updated: Fri, 03 May, 04:47 CEST
Nearby Weather Stations - Água Clara Distance
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Ivinhema 163.9 km
Paranapoema 172.4 km
Alto Taquari 180.1 km
Paranaíba 193.7 km
Paranaíba 194.0 km
Mineiros 194.1 km
Campo Grande 194.8 km
Cidade Gaúcha 197.7 km
Presidente Prudente 200.4 km
Campo Grande Airport 200.4 km
Presidente Prudente Airport 201.9 km
Rio Brilhante 205.5 km
Jataí 212.5 km
Icaraíma 216.8 km
Valparaíso 224.3 km
Maringá 228.0 km
Maringá Airport 228.1 km
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Coxim 242.8 km
Itaquiraí 248.4 km
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Maracaju 268.8 km
Londrina 276.4 km
Araçatuba Airport 276.4 km
Rio Verde 276.8 km
Londrina Airport 277.8 km
Rio Verde 278.3 km
Itiquira 280.6 km
Guiratinga 288.8 km
Salto del Guairá 289.2 km
Nova Tebas 290.9 km
Marechal Cândido Rondon 301.7 km
Votuporanga 321.0 km
Amambai 321.9 km
Rondonópolis 322.6 km
Votuporanga 323.0 km
Votuporanga 323.0 km
Aquidauana 324.8 km
Ponta Porã 327.3 km
Nova Fátima 328.1 km
Jose Bonifacio 331.3 km
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Marília Airport 349.9 km
Ivaí 355.2 km
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Paraúna 361.6 km
Ourinhos 374.7 km
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Nhumirim 428.1 km
Itumbiara 432.5 km
Catanduva 437.0 km
Castro 440.2 km
Bauru 443.5 km
Bauru Airport 445.4 km
Ariranha 451.0 km
Morrinhos 459.9 km
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Avare 475.3 km
Goiânia 480.4 km
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San Estanislao 483.5 km
Goiânia 484.2 km
Goiânia Airport 484.5 km
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Anápolis Airport 524.3 km
Uberlândia 524.7 km
Conceicao Das Alagoas 525.7 km
Uberlândia 527.9 km
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