
South America

São João do Piauí (235m)

Number of days available for climatic review

Duration of sunshine000000

Duration of sunshine000000

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Nearby Weather Stations - São João do Piauí Distance
São João do Piauí 0.0 km
São João do Piauí 1.2 km
Remanso 106.3 km
Remanso 107.2 km
Oeiras 114.0 km
Picos 136.4 km
Picos 141.9 km
Floriano 155.2 km
Floriano 155.2 km
Petrolina 182.9 km
Petrolina 206.8 km
São Pedro do Piauí 206.9 km
Delfino 209.9 km
Petrolina 214.8 km
Campos Sales 235.4 km
Bom Jesus 238.7 km
Urucui 243.7 km
Barra 244.6 km
Barra 245.8 km
Buritirama 248.4 km
Irecê 249.9 km
Ouricuri 256.3 km
Castelo do Piauí 262.0 km
Teresina Airport 277.9 km
Taua 283.2 km
Colinas 289.9 km
Senhor do Bonfim 292.5 km
Tauá 293.5 km
Jacobina 308.9 km
Caxias 309.7 km
Jacobina 310.4 km
Caxias 312.8 km
Crateús 317.0 km
Cabrobó 327.0 km
Uauá 331.1 km
Ibotirama 332.0 km
Santa Rita de Cássia 332.8 km
Barbalha 337.9 km
Barbalha 343.3 km
Lençóis 362.2 km
Lençóis 362.8 km
Gilbués 365.8 km
Queimadas 367.4 km
Iguatu 370.3 km
Macajuba 379.4 km
Barra do Corda 403.5 km
Euclides da Cunha 406.4 km
Barra do Corda 406.5 km
Itaberaba 411.6 km
Alto Parnaíba 414.3 km
Quixeramobim 422.3 km
Barreiras 432.9 km
Barreiras 432.9 km
Bacabal 434.7 km
Bacabal 436.0 km
Serra Talhada 441.6 km
Jaguaribe 453.3 km
Serrinha 455.4 km
Paulo Afonso Airport 457.8 km
Cipó 475.8 km
Feira de Santana 489.0 km
Luís Eduardo Magalhães 500.0 km
Cruz das Almas 501.7 km
Poço Verde 503.8 km
Guaramiranga 505.8 km
Morada Nova 512.1 km
Taguatinga 566.2 km
Dianópolis 572.7 km
Salvador Airport 582.4 km