

Pojarkovo (115m)

Unfortunately, some data is suffering from missing values.Data availability is a measure for the frequency of missing values.High data availability refers to a small number of missing values and vice versa. If the data availability is low the corresponding value will be somewhat inaccurate.

Aside to missing values there are sometimes false values which may hamper the statistics. If you should come across such a false value, please give us a note by sending an E-Mail.

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Nearby Weather Stations - Pojarkovo Distance
Zavitinsk 97.4 km
Bratoljubovka 111.6 km
Blagoveshchensk 128.2 km
Yichun 135.3 km
Svobodny 139.9 km
Heihe 140.5 km
Kamenka 141.5 km
Sunwu 145.3 km
Arhara 160.2 km
Shimanovsk 197.2 km
Norsk 238.7 km
Hailun 239.4 km
Tonghe 254.1 km
Huma 264.5 km
Sektagli 269.8 km
Oblutschje 274.4 km
Ekaterino-Nikol'skoe 290.7 km
Shangzhi 313.0 km
Zeya 317.4 km
Keshan 325.6 km
Harbin 336.5 km
Cernjaevo 364.2 km
Nenjiang 381.5 km
Sutur 389.1 km
Jixi 401.0 km
Magdagachi 408.2 km
Fujin 408.8 km
Cekunda 410.8 km
Anda 429.5 km
Baoqing 459.7 km
Birobidzhan 483.0 km
Qian Gorlos 518.0 km
Ekimchan 543.6 km
Hulin 556.0 km