

Shchetinkino (804m)

day of arrival: Duration:

Time Period : 01.01 - 08.01

Important notice about Travel Planner

Please be advised, that regional differences always will influence general weather patterns. This is especially true for precipitation. Rainfall patterns are often very local and may vary even at small distances. Statistical weather information should always be taken with care, as they represent statistically averaged weather, which may completely differ from actual conditions.

WeatherOnline's Travel Planner helps you calculating the average weather at a location of your choice, based on recent years data. However, please keep in mind that weather statistics can only provide you with some useful clues for your travel plans. They do not represent the actual weather or forecast.
Nearby Weather Stations - Shchetinkino Distance
Shchetinkino 0.6 km
Idrinskoe 6.9 km
Kacha 13.4 km
Yeniseysk 14.7 km
Ust'-Usa 16.6 km
Divnogorsk 21.8 km
Pirovskoe 23.1 km
Ermakovskoe 38.2 km
Minusinsk 43.1 km
Kemchug 46.5 km
Balakhta 51.0 km
Lebyazh 55.8 km
Minino 72.4 km
Krasnojarsk Opytnoe Pole 74.3 km
Abakan Airport 77.9 km
Karatuzskoe 89.4 km
Strelka 102.9 km
Nizhne-Usinskoye 104.6 km
Bol'shaja Murta 117.1 km
Nazimovo 119.3 km
MalayaOya 129.4 km
Kazachinskoe 132.2 km
Sukhobuzimskoye 132.5 km
Svetlolobovo 137.5 km
Artyomovsk 150.5 km
Borisovka 156.2 km
Bol'shoj Uluj 170.7 km
Achinsk 174.4 km
Khut 179.7 km
Shalinskoye 185.2 km
Uybat 191.1 km
Nazarovo 196.7 km
Turan 204.8 km
Ergi-Barlyk 208.4 km
NizhneKazyrskaya 235.8 km
Tastyp 241.2 km
Uyar 250.5 km
Uzhur 252.3 km
Kyzyl 268.9 km
Taseevo 274.8 km
Bogotol 278.3 km
Motygino 297.0 km
Losinoborskoe 302.3 km
Tyuhtet 308.0 km
AleksandrovskijShlyuz 311.2 km
Kommunar 311.7 km
Aginskoe / Ostsajan 311.7 km
Sharypovo 320.4 km
Dzerzhinskoe 348.9 km
Solyanka 354.4 km
Nenastnaya 363.6 km
Irbeyskoye 376.6 km
Saryg-Sep 389.8 km
Kansk Airport 396.9 km
Aban 442.5 km
Adyr-Kezhig 447.6 km
Verhnjaja Gutara 543.7 km