

Seibersdorf Weather

  Th Feb 13 Fr Feb 14 Sa Feb 15 Su Feb 16
-1°C 0°C -4°C -5°C
4°C 3°C 2°C 0°C
partly fog  overcast  various clouds  various clouds
overcast  cloudy  various clouds  various clouds
overcast  various clouds  mostly sunny  mostly sunny
overcast , light rain various clouds  various clouds  few clouds
Last updated: Thu, 13 Feb, 03:46 CET
Forecast Eisenstadt Forecast Schwechat Forecast Mödling Forecast Perchtoldsdorf Forecast Baden bei Wien Forecast Bruck an der Leitha Forecast Groß-Enzersdorf Forecast Vienna Forecast Neustadt Forecast Neusiedl am See Forecast Mattersburg Forecast Mariabrunn Forecast Hohe Warte Forecast Breitenfort Forecast Sopron Forecast Spitzerberg Forecast Hohe Wand Forecast Korneuburg Forecast Gänserndorf Forecast Zwerndorf-Marchegg Forecast Andau Forecast Tulln Forecast Kohlreithberg Forecast Gutenstein Forecast Puchberg am Schneeberg Forecast Bratislava-Koliba Forecast Stockerau Forecast Stupava Forecast Oberpullendorf Forecast Maly Javornik Forecast Bratislava Forecast Mosonmagyaróvár Forecast Neunkirchen Forecast Mosonmagyaróvár Forecast Lutzmannsburg Forecast Kapuvár Forecast Šamorín Forecast Rax Forecast Mönichkirchen Forecast Trnava Forecast Semmering Forecast Hirschenkogel Forecast Malacky Forecast Modra Forecast Csorna
Nearby Forecast Locations - Seibersdorf - Map
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Nearby Forecast Locations - Seibersdorf Distance
Eisenstadt 15.0 km
Schwechat 15.6 km
Mödling 17.1 km
Perchtoldsdorf 17.8 km
Baden bei Wien 20.0 km
Bruck an der Leitha 20.2 km
Groß-Enzersdorf 24.6 km
Vienna 26.1 km
Neustadt 26.9 km
Neusiedl am See 27.6 km
Mattersburg 28.8 km
Mariabrunn 31.2 km
Hohe Warte 31.3 km
Breitenfort 33.0 km
Sopron 34.2 km
Spitzerberg 34.8 km
Hohe Wand 39.5 km
Korneuburg 40.9 km
Gänserndorf 42.2 km
Zwerndorf-Marchegg 46.2 km
Andau 46.6 km
Tulln 46.8 km
Kohlreithberg 47.7 km
Gutenstein 47.8 km
Puchberg am Schneeberg 48.9 km
Bratislava-Koliba 50.2 km
Stockerau 51.4 km
Stupava 54.3 km
Oberpullendorf 55.7 km

Forecast: Seibersdorf Region

In the next few days, some sunny spells. Especailly on Sunday the weather is fine. A raincoat is needless this day. The daily high temperature near 2 degrees.



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