

Bad Gleichenberg Weather

  Su Nov 03 Mo Nov 04 Tu Nov 05 We Nov 06
8°C 3°C 2°C 2°C
13°C 15°C 12°C 11°C
various clouds  partly fog  partly fog  various clouds
various clouds  mostly sunny  mostly sunny  various clouds
mostly sunny  mostly sunny  mostly sunny  mostly sunny
various clouds  few clouds  various clouds  various clouds
Last updated: Sat, 02 Nov, 15:57 CET
Forecast Feldbach Forecast Jennersdorf Forecast Fürstenfeld Forecast Bad Radkersburg Forecast Leibnitz Forecast Szentgotthard/Farkasfa Forecast Laßnitzhöhe Forecast City Forecast Lenart v Slovenskih Goricah Forecast Kungota Forecast Graz Forecast Güssing Forecast Weiz Forecast Hartberg Forecast Punitz/Guessing Forecast Sankt Radegund bei Graz Forecast Maribor Forecast Schöckl Forecast Oberwart Forecast Selnica ob Dravi Forecast City Forecast Deutschlandsberg Forecast Körmend Forecast Lovrenc na Pohorju Forecast Slovenska Bistrica Forecast Ormož Forecast Lendava Forecast Mursko Središće Forecast Voitsberg Forecast Radlje ob Dravi Forecast Oplotnica Forecast Poljčane Forecast Szombathely Forecast Zreče Forecast Slovenske Konjice Forecast Varaždin Forecast Prelog
Nearby Forecast Locations - Bad Gleichenberg - Map
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Nearby Forecast Locations - Bad Gleichenberg Distance
Feldbach 6.1 km
Jennersdorf 18.6 km
Fürstenfeld 22.5 km
Bad Radkersburg 23.2 km
Leibnitz 28.9 km
Szentgotthard/Farkasfa 31.9 km
Laßnitzhöhe 32.8 km
City 33.8 km
Lenart v Slovenskih Goricah 35.8 km
Kungota 36.0 km
Graz 37.8 km
Güssing 38.1 km
Weiz 42.9 km
Hartberg 43.0 km
Punitz/Guessing 43.4 km
Sankt Radegund bei Graz 46.0 km
Maribor 47.5 km
Schöckl 48.2 km
Oberwart 49.6 km
Selnica ob Dravi 50.3 km
City 52.0 km
Deutschlandsberg 54.1 km
Körmend 54.8 km
Lovrenc na Pohorju 55.4 km
Slovenska Bistrica 57.1 km
Ormož 57.1 km
Lendava 57.3 km
Mursko Središće 59.0 km
Voitsberg 59.4 km

Forecast: Bad Gleichenberg Region

In the next few days, it's mostly sunny. A raincoat is needless this day. The daily high temperature near 13 degrees.


Bad Gleichenberg

Current weather